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SATURDAY, 5 FEBRUARY 2022 Woodlot Restoration - Removal of Invasive Norway Maple species, planting of Native species Kaylyn, of Toronto Urban Forestry, has provided us an update:
"As discussed at our fall site meeting, this year we will be working to restore the lower portion of the woodlot north of the pond (see map below). The understory of this area has been heavily impacted by trampling, which has led to soil compaction, loss of understory vegetation and loss of overall plant diversity. A planting event is being scheduled to take place in spring 2022 to help replace understory vegetation and increase plant diversity. Prior to the volunteer planting event, our forestry field crews will take on some site preparation work, including woody invasive species management and installation of temporary fencing. Woody invasive species management will help prevent native plant species from being out competed by invasive plant species. This work will involve the removal of a number of smaller diameter stems, mostly Norway Maples, and approximately 17 invasive trees between 10-20cm diameter. Without management, Norway maples will crowd out and shade native vegetation and young trees, preventing understory vegetation from establishing. Pesticides will be applied directly to each individual cut stump to prevent them from aggressively re-sprouting. Woody invasive removal work is anticipated to begin mid - February. Brush piles may remain on site for a few weeks until our vehicle is able to access this site for their removal (weather dependent). Fencing will then be installed in early spring prior to planting to discourage further trampling and allow newly planted material to establish. The overall goal of this project is to restore the forest understory and improve habitat conditions for birds and other wildlife. Native species to be planted this spring will include white pine, red oak, bur oak, serviceberry, dogwood, choke cherry and raspberry."