To report any problems/concerns you have about the park, please add your own voice to ours by contacting .....
Jorge Ture, Park Supervisor - call 311, use the new 311 app, or email
Councillor Amber Morley
City Councillor, Ward 3, Etobicoke-Lakeshore
📞 416-397-9273
Bylaw enforcement - call 311 or email
City's non-emergency services - call 311
Police 22 Division 416 808 2200
Parks and Recreation 311
To report bird/animal harassment:
*Ontario Ministry Natural Resources 1 877 TIPS MNR
*TRCA (Conservation Authority) 416 661 6600
(Press "0" for immediate service)
TRCA will start a shoreline erosion mitigation project at Sam Smith in the spring of 2024. The plan includes accommodations to minimize disruption to migration, the Whimbrel Watch and the Spring Bird Festival as well as to the wildlife of North Creek Wetland.
Read the TRCA report HERE.
A snapshot of the distribution and demographics of freshwater turtles along Toronto’s Lake Ontario coastal wetlands
Authors: Marc Dupuis-Desormeaux, Karen McDonald, Danny Moro, Tyson Reid, Constance Agnew, Robert Johnson, Suzanne E. MacDonald rights and content
The aim of this study was to provide a baseline assessment of the turtle community in the coastal wetlands of the Greater Toronto Area. We documented turtle species diversity, abundance, reproductive classes, sex-ratios, and evidence of inter-wetland movement. Our study consisted of a series of mark-recapture surveys across eleven Lake Ontario coastal wetland complexes of the Greater Toronto Area performed between 2016 and 2019. We captured and marked 532 individual turtles of four native species (298 midland painted, Chrysemys picta marginata; 180 snapping, Chelydra serpentina; 7 Blanding’s, Emydoidea blandingii, and 5 map, Graptemys geographica) and three non-native species (40 red-eared slider, Trachemys scripta elegans; 1 false map, Graptemys pseudogeographica, and 1 Chinese softshell, Pelodiscus sinensis). Of note was the capture of an exceptionally large male snapping turtle, one of the largest recorded in Canada for both length and mass. The age classes of both snapping and midland painted species presented large proportions of breeding-sized adults, yet midland painted turtles showed a potential low recruitment with an underrepresentation of non-reproductive females. The sex ratios of both midland painted and snapping turtles across the whole waterfront did not differ from the expected 1:1 ratio. We also recaptured 198 turtles (135 midland painted, 53 snapping, 6 Blanding’s and 12 red-eared Sliders). The recaptured turtles revealed inter-wetland movements of 12 km over a two-year span for a midland painted turtle and an 8 km journey for a snapping turtle, potentially demonstrating some connectivity between geographically separate wetland complexes.