Into everyone’s life a little rain must fall.
But, having said that, even I get lucky sometimes!
Sunday’s 30th Annual Park Clean Up was a beautiful day pretty much from start to finish. NO RAIN; NO ICE STORM; NO ISSUES.
So, for all of you out there that believe my Park Clean Up‘s only happen on dirty, miserable days: It’s not true!!
Well attended, with 170 signed-in volunteers, it was the third best attendance total in my 30 years.
Seldom did the flow of volunteers slow down at registration.
Also in attendance was one of our local beavers (Bob) who solidly supported the endeavours of our volunteers.
Thank you one and all for coming out and supporting!
The weather cooperated with a lovely sunshiny day. We had lots of donated coffee, hot chocolate and Timbits from Tim Horton’s and croissants from Starbucks to snack on to help keep the assembled happy.
As always, the support of the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority was greatly appreciated with staff on hand to encourage our many volunteers and to loan out garbage pickers to those who needed the extra reach.
Our friends at Panago Pizza supplied pizza at 1 o’clock and proved, once again, just how tasty their pizzas are! It was hard to get people back to work after that break.
Thank You as well to the Friends of Sam Smith members who attended; the Starbucks associates from the district and the students who came out for their volunteer hours.
It was good to see our local politicians out enjoying the day too. MP James Maloney and MPP Christine Hogarth arrived with staff and friends to help.
David, the City of Toronto solid waste management staffer, very kindly showed up and erased all evidence of our efforts by mid-afternoon.
Would almost make you think that we had accomplished nothing at all.
I’d have to say that this year’s oddest find was a BBQ. At least, that’s the one that sticks out to me.
Next year’s cleanup is already scheduled for Sunday, 23 April from 9:00am - 3:00pm.
Start preparing your excuses now.
You know who you are.
So Many Thanks Again
Stay Healthy
Alan Roy
416 937 4568